Thursday 15 October 2015

Boko Haram's 'new-face' leader sanctifies ISIS' Albagdhadi in new video - Recognises him as global leader - wants Somalis rebels to do same

By Blogger

Nigeria's home-grown terrorists organisation, Boko Haram have, Wednesday, in a video posted on the internet send a message to their counterparts in Somalia asking them to recognise and accept ISIS' leader, Abubakar Albaghdadi, as a clear of all Jihadists' movement as prescribed by 'Islamic tradition'

This call for unified global leadership was not made by the Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau. A dark skinned, heavily bearded and stern looking character was featured in the High Definition video shot professionally from three angles, spoke in Arabic and Hausa, sitting in a jungle environment with flag of the Boko Haram behind and an AK47 assault rifle on his lap.

The turbaned character did not mention his name as he launched straight into delivering his message that was garnished by fluent quotation of the verses of holy Quaran.

He spoke directly to the Somali Jihadists calling on them to pay allegiance to the leadership of Abubakar Albaghdadi, whom he eulogised as the emerged spiritual leader of all Islamic jihadists movement across the world.

He clearly mentioned that his group, Boko Haram, have sealed ties with the ISIS by accepting Sheik Albaghdadi as their supreme commander.

The over six minutes video which started with Arabic theme melody, then some introductory remarks and prayers in Arabic ended was largely delivered in Hausa.
Like Abubakar Shekau who has been the only Boko Haram leader that speaks without masking his face, the anonymous character too spoke while the camera gives details of his face from all shot angles.

This has since given rise to questions if this is a new leader of the group after many rumours that Shekau may not be alive, even though a recent video footage featured him celebrating the Eidel Kabir with his group.

"This is a Sermon and a reminders to our brothers, the Mujahids in Somalia; those that are the migrants and those that are the helpers there; certainly, obedience to Khalifa (Leader) is an obligation upon you", said the character.

"We are imploring you to come and pay obeisance to the Islamic Khalifa who is Abubakar Baghdadi. The prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, had said that 'it is an obligation for every Muslims especially the Mujahids to always give respect and reverence to any Khalifa'.

"The holy Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him, had once responded to a question from his disciples, saying that 'give respect to the religious leader. And coming together under a common khalifa is of greater benefit to the struggle on the path of Islam. Among the benefits is having a common voice for Muslims. It will also bring an end to all forms of differences amongst Muslims world over. Besides these, it will protect us from all kinds of calamities, and help in defeating the infidels of the world. It will also also strengthen us if we are united. Shariah does not permit us to be disintegrated once a Khalifa has emerged. 

"My brethren, you must understand these clearly; that it is incumbent upon all Mujahids to inform everyone about unity under a common Khalifa. 
"Oh dear brethren we are calling upon you to emulate our other brethren that have pledged allegiance to Shehul Islam, Abubakar Albagdadi; especially as exemplified by our brethren in Syria, Libya, Yemen and those in West Africa who are known as  Jamatu Ahlil Sunna li Dawati wal Jihad (Boko Haram) 

"My last call to brethren is that we must continue to remain patient with one another, love one another and show unity in all our dealings without any recourse to color, tribe or any geographic differences. All Muslims are one, globally. That what God taught. 
All hail Abubakar Albagdadi the Khalifa and all Mujahids. 

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