Wednesday 7 October 2015

Nocturnal attack left 7 soldiers, over 100 Boko Haram dead in Yobe village

By Blogger

An improvised bomb defused by soldiers 
At least a hundred bodies of suspected Boko Haram gunmen were counted after a deadly nocturnal attack on a military formation left seven soldiers dead in Goniri village of Yobe state, Northeast Nigeria, military officials said. 
Spokesmen of the Nigeria army, Colonel Sani Usman Kukasheka, described the death of the seven soldiers paying a "supreme price". even as he said the incident was a major victory for troops. 

"On the last count over 100 terrorists bodies were seen. Unfortunately however, 7  of our gallant soldiers paid the supreme price while defending our fatherland, while 1  officer and 8 soldiers were wounded in action", said Colonel Usman, a Director of Army Public Relations. 

Colonel Usman who sent out a brief statement at about 3am said the attack was supposed to be a desperate assault by the depleting terrorists to embarrass the army and give a false impression of still being in force. 
Recovered munitions
"The fleeing Boko Haram terrorists in a great sign of desperation and to create an impression that they remain relevant,  at the early hours of today made a futile attempt on 120 Task Force Battalion troops located at Goniri, Yobe State". 

"During the encounter our gallant troops successfully repelled the attacked and inflicted heavy casualty on the invading terrorists as all of them were killed.

"During the encounter, the troops have recovered a sizeable arms, ammunitions and other equipment from the terrorists. These include 1 General Purpose Machine Gun, 2 Rocket Propelled  Grenades, 9 AK-47 rifles and Belted rounds of 7.62 (NATO) ammunitions. Others were various wires used for Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), 7  Primed IEDs, different types of Spanners and a Torch Light.

"The troops have consolidated on the encounter and more determined to defend their location and continued to serve as blocking force to any fleeing terrorists from the Nigerian Air Force aerial bombardments and other troops artillery fire. 
A bomb making factory 
"In a related development, troops of 21 Brigade on fighting patrol from Bama to Ngurosoye, have destroyed Boko Haram terrorists camps along that axis.  While on patrol, the brave soldiers came across some of the terrorists hideouts that also served as fabricating area for IEDs and the terrorists’ training area. Another patrol along Bama-Kawuri axis discovered and exhumed IEDs and wires for detonation. 

"It is important to reiterate that the Nigerian Army along with the support of the Nigerian Air Force and other Security Agencies would not relent in its determined effort of defeating Boko Haram terrorists"

A midnight call  to Leadership reporter by a usually embedded member of the Civilian JTF in Damaturu,, at about 1am in the morning announced that "a big battle is going on around Goniri axis and soldiers seems to be on top of situation". 

The Civilian JTF operative who doesn't  want to be named in this report said he heard soldiers communicating with those on the frontline while on night patrol around the Yobe state capital. He was not specific about the casualty statistics at the time he called. 

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