Wednesday 21 October 2015

Nigeria army to Boko Haram; Surrender, release Chibok girls, or...

Nigeria army to Boko Haram; Surrender, release Chibok girls, or...

By Blogger

The Nigeria Army has again called on the Boko Haram insurgents to drop their arms in surrender and face the law even as it warned that this may the last opprtunity it would offer for non belligerent option to end the war against terror. 
A combat triggered Nigeria on the Front Line
Of the Operation Lafiya Dole 
The terrorists were also asked to unconditionally release the abducted persons, including the Chibok school girls who have spent 19 months in captivity.

Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman, the Spokesman of the nation's army, made this known in a terse and unusually brief statement circulated electronically to the media.
The army had two weeks ago issued similar warning after it had identified major enclaves of the Boko Haram, but had not been able to execute major attacks using ground troops and the  airforce  due to the poor weather conditions, it said.

With the rains now fast drying up, it may be assumed that the troops are revving up for a curtain-dropping offensive on the insurgents who have not amply exhibited remorse and the surrender spirit asked of them.

Colonel Usman's statement said the "surrender call" would be the "final" because, as he warned, "the army will not spare any Boko Haram caught".

"This is to finally warn all Boko Haram terrorists wherever they are, to desist from all acts of terrorism, surrender themselves and face the law now.

"We wish to inform them that we are aware of all their hideouts, camps and enclaves. They should follow  their colleagues that have so far surrendered.

"Failure to surrender will result in serious consequences as our troops have closed up with them. 
"We equally appeal to members of the international community and the world at large, to kindly persuade Boko Haram terrorists and their international collaborators to desist from acts of terrorism and renounce their membership of the terrorist organization forthwith.

"They should also immediately and unconditionally release all abducted persons in their custody including the Chibok school girls. 

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