Tuesday 1 September 2015

Boko Haram; Nigeria Soldiers reclaim Gamboru-Ngala, destroy more bomb factories in Damboa - Army says

Colonel SK Usman, Ag DAPR
By Blogger

It was today another waterloo day for the Boko Haram terrorists who had suffered serious decimation from the troops of the Nigeria during a heated but humbling battle that reclaimed the famous Gamboru-Ngala commercial border town, army officials said. 

This major feat in the ongoing counter terrorism operation came on the same day when what could be described as one of the biggest bomb-making factory of the terrorists was raided and destroyed by gallant army and airforce troops in parts of Damboa local government area of Borno state. 

The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai, had two weeks ago visited troops in Ngala where he boosted their morales and urged them to ensure Gamboru which was just 6km away from Ngala was reclaimed and the terrorists there 'flushed out". 

Acting Director, Army Public Relations, Colonel Sani Usman, said soldiers are still mopping up their victorious operation in Gamboru as at the time he released this information to the press.

Gamboru-Ngala, is a commercial border town of Borno state, that had fallen for the insurgents again after the Chadian Forces had recaptured in for Nigeria some months ago. 

"The Nigerian Army has retaken the economic and strategic town of Gomboru-Ngala in Borno State, from the Boko Haram terrorists group today", Colonel Usman's brief statement reads. 

"The triumphant troops are now busy with clearing and mopping up  patrols. Details to come up later later".

The victory in Gamboru came about hours after soldiers on operation in Damboa general area made an impressive outing at one of the terrorists deadliest explosives manufacturing camps there. 

Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman, said several bomb manufacturing items were recovered from the camp which suggested that the destroyed camp may have been one of the biggest explosives making factory of the terrorists. 

"The troops of 25 Task Force Brigade Nigerian Army have achieved an unprecedented feat today (Tuesday) in the fight against the Boko Haram terrorists in its area of operations", said Colonel Usman.  

He said the operation was jointly carried out by both troops o the Nigerian Army and the supporting air strike from the Nigeria Air Force. 

"The Brigade during a cordon and search operation at Sandia, Kokakowa and Nyaleri villages suspected to be Boko  Haram enclaves early today, discovered and destroyed another Improvised Explosives Device (IED) making factory at Miyati and Nyaleri villages, along Maiduguri-Bulabulin-Damboa road,  in Damboa Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria. In addition, three terrorists were arrested comprising an "Ameer", a  high contact and a foot soldier. 

"Among items discovered apart of the IED making equipment, were  a Peugeot pick up van, foodstuffs, 10-KVA Lister generator, gas cylinders, borehole, 9 bags of fertiliser,  pumping machine, 3 bags of maize, 1 bag of millet and 13 empty AGO jerry cans, amongst others".

"The joint operation between the Brigade and  Nigerian Air Force who provided air cover and tracking, was part of the determined effort by the military to rout out terrorists in the general area and open more roads hitherto held by the terrorists for public usage. It is also part of the renewed effort and vigour on the part of our troops to meet up with the set dateline that has turned the tide and momentum of the battle against the Boko Haram terrorists in our country. 

"I am glad to say that the troops are on high morale and very excited with their accomplishment thus far".

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