Sunday 30 August 2015

Echoing Lieutenant General Buratai’s ‘August’ Victory over Boko Haram - A Review of Army's 30 Days Counter Insurgency Operation

By Abdulkareem Haruna, Blogger 
Lt General Tukur Buratai, COAS 
The month of August is undoubtedly the busiest for soldiers of the Nigeria army since the ongoing counter insurgency operation against Boko Haram terrorists in northeast Nigeria begun. 

It is also very instructive to note that for the first time in the record of events in the war against Boko Haram, Nigerians are witnessing a complete paradigmatic shift in operational style of troops, as soldiers now take the war to the den of the terrorists, as against the erstwhile style of waiting to repel attacks launched by daredevil Boko Haram insurgents. 

This impressive feat that has caused the decimation of more than 500 Boko Haram terrorists, was being recorded immediately after Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai assumed office as Nigeria’s Chief of Army Staff. 

Under his command, Nigerians have witnessed the clearing of over 30 identified terror camps within and around Borno and Yobe states, as well as defusing of deadly land mines buried in several highways under the former conquests of the insurgents,  It has been what could be dubbed 30 days of hell for Boko Haram. 

For the first time, Nigerians are having a Boko Haram group that had once lorded over 22 local government areas around Borno, Yobe and Adamawa state, now hobbling in disarray as soldiers of Nigeria make the country proud by bombing spotted Boko Haram deadly from the air and shelling scattered insurgents on the ground. 

Spokesman of the Nigeria Army, Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman, who is the Acting Director Army Public Relations, said apart from improved armament at the disposal of the troops, their gallantly and renewed morale is being boosted by the exemplary leadership the Chief of Army Staff is reeling out since he assumed office. 

COAS Buratai in a chat with local during his visit
to Dikwa on 22nd August 
It is on record that since his assumption of office, General Buratai has made a mark as the first COAS that has visited the volatile frontline for about four consecutive times within a month to personally assess the operations. 

The soft-spoken COAS  who incidentally hails from Borno state, has also made it clear that Nigeria and its military can no longer afford to be embarrassed by a terror group that have defied all diplomatic channels of resolving the ongoing violence that which had  claimed over 5000 lives and displaced about a million and half people in the last four years. Hence he changed the nom de guer of the counter insurgency operation to “Operation Lafiya Dole”, meaning peace must be attained by at all cost, as Boko Haram would no longer be treated with kids glove again. 

The army Chief has also made it clear that now that he would be leading troops of the Nigeria Army which he promised would enjoy all the needed motivations, improved emoluments and allowances, he would, however, not tolerate the slightest form of indiscipline from any soldier - either officers or men. He was very clear that the era of internal revolt or mutiny of any kind would not be condoned in the army under his watch. 

With his mission and vision made succinctly clear, the COAS hit the ground running. 

The proceeding paragraphs of this piece gives a timeline synoptic review of the daring General and his gallant troops’ escapade in the last 30-something days. 

On the 19th of July, 2015, the Lt General Buratai (then a Major General) made a historic visit to Konduga, another hotbed of Boko Haram terrorism. He was there in continuation of his tour of troops and facilities in the volatile northeast Nigeria. It could be recalled that before going to Konduga, the army chief, had been in Yobe state where he celebrated the last Eidel Fitri with the troops in the state. 

General Buratai in a recent visit of Maiduguri 
In Konduga, the COAS declared his mission and vision on the war against terror by renaming the then “Operation Zaman Lafiya”, to “Operation Lafiya Dole”. 
The chief of army staff who was accompanied by the Deputy Governor, Alhaji Zannah Umar Mustapha and other service chiefs to 103 battalion in Konduga called for collaboration amongst the troops and other security agencies as well as the general public in curtailing activities of the Boko Haram.

His message in Konduga was very clear:- 
“The ongoing activities of Boko Haram is assuming an alarming dimension in Borno State and other parts of the north east; we will not tolerate the killing of citizens and destruction of property, in as much as we urged you (troops) to adhere strictly to the human rights. He said the time to crush Boko Haram and other criminal activities in the country is now or never.
“As Chief of Army Staff, I will be actively involved in this ‘Operation Zaman Lafiya Dole’ to end the madness of Boko Haram if I will have your collective maximum support and cooperation.
“My doors will always remain open to all of you for constructive criticism and advices towards restoration of peace in this part of the country.
“Therefore, we are here to identify with you and to officially inform you that as from today henceforth, we have changed our Operational Code from ‘Operation Zaman Lafiya’ to ‘Operation Zaman Lafiya Dole’”

Lieutant General Buratai later paid courtesy call on the Shehu of Borno, His Royal Highness Abubakar Garbai Ibn Alamin Elkanemi.
At the palace, the COAS informed the monarch since 1981 when left Borno state as a cardet officer, ”this is my first official courtesy call since my appointment as army chief”.
He said the peace and tranquillity associated with Borno will now return. He said he has been following he speeches of President Buhari on the resolve to return peace
“We will reenforce the security. The government is not happy about the insecurity in the northeast. It is our desire to have a responsible and professional army that is responsive in the discharge of its duty. We will need the support of the royal father and the people of Borno so that we will ensure peace returns here. Since Boko Haram terrorists have refused peace (Zaman Lafiya), we will now force them to accept peace.
He said further that “the peace that permeated Borno and transcend Lake Chad will soon return. My wish was to clear Konduga of Boko Haram vestige so that people can return home to rebuild their houses. 

It is also very instructive to note that Buratai is the most tormented army General in the hands of the Boko Haram terrorists. Even before he became the head of the nation’s army, he has suffered several attacks by the terrorist who attacked his country home, Buratai in Biu local government area of Borno state and burnt down his house there. 

Upon his assumption of office in July, the terrorists in apparent attempt to undermine his authority went to attack his home town again. 

The attack was on a Monday 20th July when a gang of Boko Haram terrorists attacked Buratai,  the home place of the Nigeria new Chief of Army Staff. But it was what appeared a vexed reprisal for what General Buratai led troops  to deal with the terrorists during the previous weekend, along a forbidden highway once laced with landmines. 
It could be recalled that the road leading to Biu town from Damaturu,  the Yobe state capital,  was like many others that were hijacked by the Boko Haram terrorists in Borno State, all  cratered and dotted by landmines.  Any attempts by either soldiers or civilians to ply that road in the pastvwould results to instant dead. 

That Road also leads to the home town of the Chief of Army Staff. 
Soldiers unearthing a defused bomb
buried by Boko Haram 
During that weekedn, Major General Buratai led a team of  soldiers with super charged morale to defy all obstacles  mounted by the Boko Haram terrorists.  On the way the terrorists mounted a fierce offensive but the army General and his men demonstrated a world class gallantry that subdued the miscreants of insurgents even as fear-no-devil soldiers charge through detonated mines, that lined up the road, to gun down Boko Haram gunmen who fall in piles under the feet of the nation's infantry and artillery troops.

The general stood his ground as he issued orders for his men to ensure no Boko Haram escaped.
Buratai and his men cleared all mines on the way and led the troops triumphantly through the once forbidden Road to Biu and returned back on Monday.
He drove back, by road, through Damaturu to Maiduguri where he moved straight to Konduga town of Borno state.

On the 24th of July soldiers in the counter insurgency operation in Dikwa town of Borno state had informed journalists that  the new Chief of Army Staff, Major General Tukur Buratai, was their number one motivation. 

The soldiers who spoke under strict condition of anonymity said the new COAS has given them a legendary morale booster when he visited them at the war front and even personally participated in one of the operations recently. 

"When you hear soldiers going mutiny or AWOL it is not only because they lack basic welfare or arms and ammunition to prosecute a war, but the lack of exemplary leadership or command structure can kill the zeal and the combatant morale of soliders", said the soldier. 

“For the first time in a very long time especially since the beginning of this insurgency we are having a crack army General not only coming to the field of battle but staying there for over five days! In the past, our top red-necks would only brisk in and stay for less than 24 hours before they leave. And that did not help all of us at all!'

"We are now under a new command which is giving us the right order to take the battle to the Boko Haram where ever they may be. And our slogan, 'Operation Lafiya Dole' is really motivational and it also sends a clear to the Boko Haram that if they don't want peace we will force them to take it at all cost and there is no option for them on that", said the highly spirited soldier. 

Some of the unearthed and defused Landmines
The soldiers explained that giving the new spirit of commitment in the war against insurgency which is brought about by the new Army Chief, their combatant General Officer Commanding, 7 Division, Nigeria Army, Maiduguri, Major General Lamidi Adeoshun had also partook in the operation that led to the reclaiming of Dikwa.

"This is the time to finish this battle, and if our COAS General Buratai cannot do it once and for all, I doubt if any persons would be able to do so. I am from the southwest but I believe in his commitment, not because he is from the northeast, but because he has the pedigree for successful operations".

On the 30th of July soldiers embarked on the raid of  many camps of the Boko Hiram where about 71 innocent villagers, most women and children got their freedom after nearly one year of inhuman captivity by the Boko Haram terrorists. 

The raid operation took place in Chuogori and Shantumari and carried out by 21 ARmoured Brigade and some elements of the Nigeria Army Engineers. 

In Kilakisa village in Damboa local government area of Borno state where Boko Haram gunmen lorded over over trapped villagers who could not flee to the state capital, Maiduguri, soldiers had on Tuesday rescued 12 aged villagers after a heated gun battle.   
The gallant troops were also able to raid Kashimbiri and Walimberi villages which had been camps of the Boko Haram terrorists where they engaged the insurgents in a deadly shootout. The troops had rescued a total number of 59 civilians in two camps of the terrorists groups in Kashimbiri and walimeri villages respectively in Konduga local government area of Borno state. Those that were rescued comprised 25 children, 29 women and 5 elderly men in the above mentioned villages. 
Many of the terrorists were killed in the course of the operations, but mob up is still going on so as soon as we have the figure, it would be made known to you”. 

One of the rescued persons, Yagana Kyari, a female, said she spent about 9 months with the Boko Haram terrorists. 
Some of the rescued locals 
''I never knew I would be free again because I have spent months in the camp of the terrorists so I was waiting for death. They often threaten to kill us each time they notice we were not pleased with staying with them, or if they suspected that we wanted to flee. So we had to stay with them all the while. They give us food, but usually not very enough for the day”, said '‎ Ya'gana Kyari, wjhp said she was taken from her villager Kawuri, about 50km away from Maiduguri, to the camp in Walimberi. 

While these unprecedented successes were being recorded by the troops in the field, the COAS was also doing his best to ensure that the image of the army continues to shore up as he insist his zero tolerance to indiscipline. 

This was made clear on the 2nd August when the Army headquarters cleared the air on the stand of the army on the trial of soldiers standing trial over cases of professional misconduct or indiscipline. 
The media had a previous day to that date reported that the army was contemplating dropping charges on some of the soldiers under court martial due to some kind of outside pressure. To that, the army chief issued a statement making its position clear

Reacting to the recent media publications on the controversy surrounding the dismissal of soldiers, the Acting Director Department of Army Public Relations, Sani Kukasheka Usman, a Colonel, said the army has never said it was granting a total recall of soldiers that were either dismissed or the deserters.

“The attention of the Nigerian Army has been drawn to a correspondence making the rounds in some media regarding an administrative procedure to review some recent disciplinary cases in the Nigerian Army.

“For the avoidance of doubt it should be noted that the Nigerian Army is reviewing all recent disciplinary cases due to the wave of litigations and petitions by some aggrieved personnel.  

“The public should not misconstrue the recent directive to mean total recall of dismissed and deserter soldiers”, said Colonel Usman.
Some of the gunned down Boko Haram during
shootout with soldies along Dikwa axis

On the 4th of August, apparently impressed people of Borno state went to the press to hail the new COAS for rekindling their hopes on the assured future of a returned peace and calm in their communities. 

They were specific about the successful military operation in Borno state like the clearing of eight (8) notorious hideouts and camps in Bama axis of the state. 
The soldiers in that operation did not only rescue 178 men, women and children but had in a fierce battle rescued 

“We are really grateful to God and the coming of the soldiers to rescue us from the captivity of the Boko Haram people who came to our communities, rounded us up and forced us to live under control”, said Modu Babaji a middle aged farmer. 

It could be recalled that Spokesman of the 7 Division Nigeria Army, Colonel Tukur Gusau, said the high morale of the troops that motivated by the directive of new Chief of Army Staff, Major General Tukur Buratai, which was effectively translated in to result by the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 7 Division, Nigeria Army.

Colonel Gusau made this known in a press statement made available to this Blog. 

“Sequel to the ongoing operations to clear Boko Haram Terrorists in its area of operations, the troops of 21 Brigade in conjunction with elements of 151 Task Force Battalion of 7 Division, Nigerian Army have conducted offensive operations along Aulari in Bama axis. 

“The troops successfully cleared terrorists' camp in Fadan, Shuwarin, Wulari, Ngoro Dauye, Jidori, Alikashiri, Kalzamari-Shuwa and Kalzamari-Kanuri amongst others.

“During the offensive operations, 178 people held captives by the terrorists were rescued;  they include 101 children, 67 women and 10 men respectively. 

“Also, three (3) Boko Haram flags were recovered while five (5) motor cycles were burnt by the troops. In addition, one (1) Boko Haram Terrorists Commander was captured alive and is presently undergoing investigation.

“The troops morale remains high as they are determined to consolidate on the success achieved so far under Operation LAFIYA DOLE”, said Colone Gusau, a Deputy Director, Army Public Relations. 

Apart from clearing of terrorist camps and decimation of their members, soldiers under this new command had also taken bull by the horn to drive through mine infested routes where they unearthed several land mines planted by the Boko Haram to cause deadly attack on motorists. 

On Tuesday, 4th August, 2015, Soldiers of the Nigeria Army who were on a mission to clear and retake all roads once under the control of Boko Haram had successfully unearthed several land mines planted on a  road leading to Gwoza, the former headquarters of the terrorists so-called Islamic Caliphate, army officials said. 

The cleared road was the one that led from  Yamteke village to Gwoza town. 

It could be recalled that having destroyed several major bridges linking most parts of Borno state, Boko Haram terrorists had also planted heavy and crudely manufactured land mines on the routes to prevent access to their captured territories. 
A bridge bombed by Boko Haram in the past

Those landmines had in the past killed and injured several troops advancing towards the captured territories. 

But with the coming of the new Chief of Army Staff, Major General Tukur Buratai, who took the lead in the new order to clear all mined roads of the northeast Nigeria, when he personally supervised the opening of the Damaturu-Biu road last month, troops of the Nigeria Army have continued to record successes in that regard. 

Spokesman of the 7-Division Nigeria Army, Colonel Tukur Gusau, issued a statement with photo footage of the operation

“In the Nigerian Army's determined efforts to clear all roads in the North East of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) planted by Boko Haram Terrorists, troops of 7 Division Nigerian Army during clearance and linking up operations  have successfully recovered 5 IEDs planted on the road linking Gwoza-Yamteke road”, Colonel Gusau said. 

“The explosives have since been defused and destroyed by the team of Nigerian Army Engineers. 

“Similarly, the troops conducting clearance operations in Dikwa area following routing out of terrorists in the area couple of days ago,  discovered a hideout in which weapons and equipment suspected to be used by the Boko Haram terrorists for construction of IEDs were hidden. These includes 5 Drilling Machines, 1 Filing Machine, 2 Cutting Machine, 1 Disc Filing Machine, 52 Compact Discs, 9 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG) 7 Charges, 1 105mm Pack Howitzer, 1 BMG Tripod stand and 1 Cutting and Drilling Machine. 

“It is instructive that the troops are more than ever ready to ensure that the Boko Haram Terrorists are flushed out and peace is restored by all means”, said 
Colonel Gusau, a Deputy Director Army Public Relations for 7 Division, Nigerian Army.

On Sunday 9th August, 2015, soldiers of Nigeria army succeeding in  killing eight Boko Haram members in a fierce gun battle  even as they made more discoveries of makeshift workshops where the terrorists manufacture all forms of lethal weapons, a statement issued by the Directorate of Army Public Relations said. 

Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman, the Army Chief Spokesman confirmed these successful operation in a statement sent to journalists.

“In our bid to keep you updated, I wish to inform you that our gallant troops yesterday (Sunday)  made startling discovery while combing and clearing terrorists in and around Dikwa, Borno State”, Colonel Usman.  

“During the painstaking operation, the troops discovered pile of street lamps poles cut into pieces by Boko Haram terrorists which they use in making Improvised Explosives Devices.
Combatant Soldier in a raid operation in one
the Boko Haram camps

“In another development, during a cordon and search operation in Jakana village the troops of 7 Division Garrison recovered 15 cows, 174 goats and a donkey from rustlers. The animals have since been handed over to their identified legitimate owners. The  rustlers were apprehended and are currently undergoing investigation.
Similarly, troops have at Jehu near Jakana, arrested Mai Mustapha a fuel supplier to Boko Haram terrorists  and Madu who coordinates buying of food items from neighbouring villages for the terrorists. 

“Additionally, early this morning own troops blocked elements that attacked  Dumbuluwa village in Fika Local Government Area of Yobe State and had encounter with the terrorists. The gallant soldiers killed 8 of the terrorists. Unfortunately, 2 vigilantes were wounded by Improvised Explosive Devices fragments”. 

In line with the zero tolerance stance of the Army Chief to acts of indiscipline on the part of soldiers, the Army headquarters had on Wednesday 12th August denied media claims that the army is shielding soldiers that recently involved in alleged battering of a robbery suspect from trial by country’s Rights Commission. 

The army said it was embarrassed by the damaging impact the photographs had caused it which the Deputy Director, Army Public Relations, Sani Kukasheka Usman, a Colonel, described as ‘incalculable damage to the image of the service”. 

The army however condemned the manner one of the Nigerian newspaper gave the story prominence in its Monday, 10th August Publication, saying that a rather non-editorial approach should have been better option that celebrating it it on front page of newspaper 

Colonel Usman’s statement reads; “The attention of Nigerian Army has been drawn to a front page photograph of some soldiers maltreating a suspected robber at Mararraba, Nasarawa State, on the front page of   today’s edition of Daily Trust newspaper. 

“Sadly, it is also trending on the Social Media. There is no doubt the photograph has done  incalculable damage to the image of the service. The act was unfortunate and at variance with military ethics and professionalism. 

“The Nigerian Army wishes to inform the public that the perpetrators of the offence have been identified, summoned and would face disciplinary action. The Army has also reached out to the management of the newspaper over this poor and worrisome editorial judgement by giving this misdemeanour prominence in their paper. Alerting appropriate Nigeiran Army authorities would have been a better option that will be met with prompt response. 
Col S.K Usman Ag. DAPR

“We wish to assure the public that the Nigerian Army would continue to protect and respect human rights and that this regrettable incidence should not be used as a yardstick to judge the entire Army. 

“I would to inform the public that  the Nigerian Army is aware of the demand by the National Human Rights Comission (NHRC) requesting for the release of soldiers involved in the unfortunate incidence of ill treatment of robbery suspected as shown on the front page of today’s Daily Trust. 

“I wish to inform the commison and the public that all those involved would be released to the NHRC after carrying out our investigation in accordance with our regulations”, said Colonel Usman.

On the 14th August, the 7 Division of the Nigeria Army had led its Medical corp take medical care to liberated villages where residents especially those that have been displaced from remote communities are currently being camped. 

The team of military medics were in Konduga town, 35km away from Maiduguri, the borno state capital where over 1000 villagers, mostly IDPs were being treated for one ailment or the other. 

Major General Lamidi Adeosun, who is the General Officer Commanding the 7 Division, Nigeria Army informed reporters in Konduga that the free medical treatment given to the locals as in tune with the directives of the Chief of Army Staff, Major General Tukur Buratai. 

“We have changed the plan for everybody coming into Maiduguri because Maiduguri is fully choked. So in stead of every body in the state coming into Maiduguri, we said there are places and areas that are already liberated”, said the GOC. 

“The army medical team will always be available for this kind of free medical service anywhere we are especially the communities that we have liberated so far”, 

“This is to show everybody that all the facilities that they think they can access  in Maiduguri township can also be available anywhere within the liberated communities if they agree to settle there. This is also to encourage all the people that are in the Maiduguri IDP camp to start thinking of returning back to their liberated communities”. 

“Where there is our soldiers and there is security, we are encouraging people to return back to those general areas. So this is one of the reasons why this outreach, which has been directed by the Chief of Army Staff himself, is brought to this place, Konduga,  to show that the same facility that they can access in Maiduguri will also be available in any where we are and it is also to encourage some of the IDPs that are in Maiduguri to go back to the liberated areas so that gradually they can start picking up the pieces of their lives again. 

“If these liberated areas are not occupied, they continue to remain desolated and people will not be able to break away from this IDP status. So it is important we attend to their health needs, especially the people that are just coming out of the bushes. We have seen some of the children that are malnourished, they lacked medical attention and so on. So as the military, we are doing all we can to support them at the emergency level before the local and government councils will come in to take over fully. 
“It is going to be a continuous exercise, and it is not going to be only in Konduga; it will go to other places; wherever IDPs are settled, we will go there to take care of their medical need. In terms of manpower, we are going to be roving from one liberated and safe place to the other, because of the number of medical manpower at our disposal. Like I said, it is an emergency situation, we take the lead and the state and local government coming in later to take over and continue from where we are. 

“The essence of this exercise as we want even the media to let the world know is to show that the army is not only here to shoot guns but also to liberated people in the places that needs liberation and to ensure that normal life returns”.

The Head of the 7 Division Army Hospital, Brigadier General, Ikechukwu Okeke, informed that so far over 800 persons, comprising men, women and children have been given one form of medical treatment or the other, between Wednesday and Thursday that the medical outreach started. 

 Brigadier General Okeke explained that most of the patients suffer ailments ranging from malaria, malnourishment amongst children, hypertension, worms and peptic ulcer diseases. 

The NSA Maj General B. Monguno (rtd) with the
COAS in Yobe state
On Friday 14th August, 2015, the COAS and other service chiefs had accompanied the National Security Adviser, Major Babagana Monguno on a visit to Borno and Yobe states where they met with the state governments and troops on ground. The visit has also gone down in history as one of its first kind. 

During the visits, the NSA thereafter addressed troops where he commended their efforts in the war against terrorists and enjoined them to always dedicate themselves to all given tasks and responsibilities. He also emphasised on alertness and adherence to professional ethics of the profession as well as comradeship among the security forces”.

On the 18th and 19th August, 2015, the troops of the Nigeria Army made a remarkable feat in the decimating the Boko Haram around the volatile Gwoza hills area where they wiped out  dozens of fleeing Boko Haram insurgents that were escaping aerial bombardment from support team of the Nigeria AirForce. 

It could be recalled that the National Security Adviser (NSA), Major General Babagana Monguno, had during his working visit to Borno and Yobe state did mention that the military under the command of Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai and the Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Sadiq Baba Abubakar “would soon embark on rapid counter terrorists campaign” that is expected to end the Boko Haram insurgency within the three months time frame given by President Muhammadu Buhari. 

Sources close to Gwoza area had informed journalists earlier that over 40 Boko Haram terrorists were killed during the encounter. 

Acting Director Army Public Relations, Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman confirmed the incident in a statement electronically sent to journalists in Maiduguri. 

“Troops  of 26 Task Force Brigade in Gwoza, Borno State, had yesterday (Tuesday) evening engaged Boko Haram terrorists fleeing Sambisa forest following continued aerial bombardment by the Nigerian Air Force”, Colonel Usman said.  

“The fleeing terrorists in 7 Pick up vans and some motorcycles mounted with assorted weapons  such as Rocket Propelled Grenades and Anti-Aircraft Guns were decisively dealt with, killing quite a number of them. 

“The troops also destroyed their vehicles, weapons and motorcycles. They also recovered a vehicle, 1 motorcycle and 2 AK47 riffles and large quantities of 7.62mm NATO and 12.7mm ammunitions.The troops have intensified their patrols and offensive actions against the terrorists in the area”. 
On the 22nd August, the COAS demonstrated his legendary courage as a crack war General when he led top officers of the army on a daring military expedition to the heart of the battle in Borno state. 

General Buratai was to visit the troops tackling Boko Haram insurgents in Dikwa and Gamboru-Ngala axis of Borno state. 

Along the dangerous route, long deserted by by civilian travellers as Boko Haram terrorists took charge, General Buratai lead convoy came under ambush that was later foiled. Ten Boko Haram members were killed in that incidents. But the army chief did not give up his journey to his destination which was still far ahead. 
Soldiers during a mob up operation after airforce
bombardment of Boko Haram camp

During the journey through desolated communities, the COAS has also supervised the arrest of Boko Haram terrorists who had participated in the ambush. 

The COAS made four major stops on the deadly route to address troops and inspect some of the reclaimed territories. 

His confidence through out the deadly trip boosted morales of soldiers and earned him their praise as the only army boss that has ever visited a smoking battle line to commend troops. 

Though the Nigeria Army has repeatedly appreciated the robust working cooperation it enjoys with the civil populace in the ongoing counter insurgency operation, it however frowns at whatever excesses the Civilian-JTF would demonstrated in the cause of their work. This was clearly demonstrated on Thursday 27th August when the authorities at the 7 Division arrested and handed over to the police some members of the civilian-JTF who were in the notorious business of extorting funds from relatives of persons arrested as Boko Haram suspects, by name-dropping top army officers.

Spokesman of the Army at the 7 Division, Colonel Tukur Gusau, said three leaders of the notorious criminal suspects were arrested and after thorough investigations confessed to the crime. 

“Three persons, namely, Alhaji Baba of Gwange area, Abubakar Tijjani Lawal of London Chiki and Umar Ali of Gidan Dambe of Maiduguri who claim to be members of Civilian-JTF using the name of the GOC 7 Division Nigeria Army, Major General Lamidi Adeosun and other senior officers in the theatre of operations to extort funds, from relations and friends of those being investigated by the Division for terrorism and related offences. 

The 3 Civilian-JTF Extortionists arrested for defrauding
relatives of arrested Boko Haram suspects 
Describing such actions as criminal and capable of bringing disrepute to the success being recorded by the joint efforts of the Nigeria Army under Major General Adeosun as well as the Nigeria Airforce in the ongoing operation Lafiya Dole, Colonel Gusau said in his two paged statement called on the general public to be wary of such criminals and report suspects to the nearest military base or any security outfit. 

On the same 27th August, the 7 Division, Nigeria Army in Maiduguri had made another breakthrough in the ongoing military efforts to dislodge Boko Haram terrorists when it arrested a gang of individuals whose jobs is to ensure the insurgents don't run out of fuel supply in their bush enclaves, officials said. 

The group who used large  improvised tanks secretly constructed under vehicles have record of delivering at least 3000 litres of fuel daily to power the vehicles and generating plants of the Boko Haram insurgents. 

At the centre of the crime was one Bashir Ali, whose major preoccupation is coming into the town and ensure that he filled his secret tanks and other containers which he ferried back to the bushes where he delivered same to the Boko Haram masters. 
The suspected cartel of Boko Haram fuel suppliers 

Colonel Tukur Gusau disclosed that the suspected “was arrested at a filling station in Maiduguri while using a Peugeot 504 vehicle fabricated with extended 500 litres tank capacity. During interrogation, Mr Ali confessed that he used the vehicle to ferry up to 3000 litres of Petroleum products every day”. 

Colonel Gusau said further investigation that may lead to his Boko Haram customers is still on going and more information would be made public in due course. 

On the 29th August, troops of the Nigeria army carried out another major raid of a notorious Boko Haram terror camp in Gudumbali town of Guzamala local government area of Borno state. Dozens of Boko Haram terrorists were gunned down in the camp where large number of munitions, mostly explosives were recovered. 

The soldiers who were aided by the airforce jets to dislodge the terrorists moved in to clear the deadly camp leaving dozens of the insurgents dead while few others were being pursued by soldiers. 

Spokesman of the Nigeria Army, Sani Kukasheka Usman, made this known in a statement released to journalists on that date.

“As part of the continued offensive operations against the Boko Haram terrorists, troops of 7 Brigade have today entered and cleared Gudumbali town, Guzamala Local Government Area of Borno State”, said Colonel Usman.

“During the operation,  quite a number of the terrorists were killed their weapons and equipment were destroyed. The troops are currently doing clearance operations in the general area. 

“It should be recalled that the Nigerian Air Force has inflicted heavy damage on the terrorists camps within the general area last Monday.

“In a related development,  troops of 5 Brigade Explosive Ordinance Devices  (EOD) unit, while advancing towards Dikwa, ran into landmines buried by the terrorists between old Marte and Kerenoa  junction in Marte Local Government Area of Borno State. 

“Unfortunately, 2 soldiers lost their lives, while 2 others were critically injured due to the landmine explosion. The bodies of the two gallant soldiers have been evacuated, to the rear, while the other two wounded soldiers have also been evacuated and are receiving treatment at the military hospital. The formation  also lost a Mowag Armoured  Personnel Carrier (APC) at the same  location.

“Despite this sad event, the troops are not deterred as they continued their advance and pursuing the terrorists to their enclaves in Sambisa forest. Similarly, it is important to note that troops in the various formations and units in Operation LAFIYA DOLE  are in very high spirit and more determined to destroy the terrorists camps and enclaves”, said the Army Spokesman. 

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